Monday, September 27, 2010

Chapter Three

I've noticed something about how I live and how I think recently; something extremely important, yet so easy to miss because it's so deeply embedded in how I live and how I think. I wonder if it's the same for you? Our lives are filled with imposed structures - rules, time, due dates, goals, limits, expectations.... Take a typical day in my own life - I wake up, go to uni, come home, go to bed, wake up...

I have realised that because I have been taught to "think ahead!" and "get organised!", I concentrate so much on what I'm going to do next that I hardly ever truly think about and appreciate the moment I am in. When I wake up, I think about having breakfast. When I'm having breakfast, I think about getting to the bus on time. When I'm on the bus, I'm thinking about what lecture's I'm going to go to. When I'm in the lecture, I'm thinking about what work I need to do when I get home. By the time I'm working on an essay, I can't wait to get to bed. Getting the picture?

Before you start to think that my blog has taken a nihilistic turn for the worst, I would like to point out that there are certain moments with certain people in my day where I where I truly enjoy the moment.

They make every moment incredible, no matter of what you are doing.

They always make you laugh.

You love them like your own family.

It's at these moments that I think nothing of what I should be doing next or where I should be going.

And I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks like this. So please - smile, stop, and appreciate it because it seems like the more we enjoy doing something, the faster it passes us by.

Until next time, 
be good and eat your vegies.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chapter Two

As a good citizen, I feel it is my moral duty to inform my counterparts of an infection within our society - the Hipster (latin: Scumis Hipstis). As an Arts student, I am exposed to such creatures on a daily basis and in my travels have come to know much about this species. The natural habitats of the Hipster are opshops, South Lawn, lane way cafes and yet-to-be-discovered-band gigs.

I think the biggest issue I have with Hipsters is that the very nature of what they are is full of contradictions. Firstly, the Hipster is what I like to call a Pop-Culture Parasite - they take every trend that was ever cool and is now not cool and try to make it cool while seeming like they don't think they're cool when really we all know they think they are cool.
They have stolen:
- the 90's converse shoes
- their little sister's skinny jeans
- the emo's fringe
- the nerd's ironic slogan tshirt
- grandma's glasses
- the 50's one-gear vintage bike
- the student's satchel
- the bohemian's rollies
- the redneck's facial hair
- grandpa's cardigan
and given nothing back. How can we possibly call this a 'sub-culture' if it doesn't produce anything remotely resembling 'cultural' itself? The idea itself isn't even original to the 21st century! 'Hipsters' were first conceptualised in the 1940's, referring to those who liked a particular type of jazz music! Hence we have the second contradiction of the Hipster.
My third, final and favourite contradiction of the Hipster is their image. Yes, Mr. Hipster, I see that your cardigan has moth holes in it, you ride a really old bike and look like you had to get your blind grandmother to cut your hair because you are just too cool to work and are therefore too poor to afford anything that isn't at least 4th hand / vintage. But wait Mr. Hipster! We all know you paid at least $400 for those shoes, even if you did do your very best to make them look like you found them in that dumpster you were hiding in because you thought one of your Hipster friends had seen you shopping at Target.

Be alert, not alarmed.